Your credit rating is a good measure of your financial security. Therefore, as your credit score changes, so too will your financial reliability in the eyes of creditors and financial institutions. Those who have a financial investment in you, including auto insurance carriers, will therefore view a better credit rating as a sign that you are a safer investment. As a result, you might actually be able to save money on numerous personal financial investment, including your auto insurance premiums.
Often, drops in your credit score are not exactly your fault. However, there are many ways you can proactively protect your credit, nonetheless. What are some of the most practical ways to do so?
If you work to create a favorable credit rating for yourself, the better you’ll be able to manage your financial future. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.
Understanding the Risks of Changing Credits
Your credit score is a measure of your reliability in managing your money. It is reflective of your debt-to-income ratio, and your reliability in paying your bills, along with other factors. This number can often help you get loans, qualify for insurance and receive better interest rates. The higher your score, the more favorable these terms often prove.
Furthermore, a good credit score can help you pay lower rates for your car insurance. Often, insurers view customers with good credit scores as more reliable overall. These customers might not only be more reliable when it comes to paying their premiums, but they also might have a lower risk of having to file a claim on their policy altogether. Therefore, they will signal stability to the insurer, who might be able to offer them a lower overall premium.
Nevertheless, credit is, at times, very fragile. A few bad investments or missed payments might lead to a drop in your score, at least temporarily. Other issues, such as excessive debt, loan defaults and bankruptcy, might cause your score to drop significantly for a much longer time. Even instances of identity theft or credit card theft might lead to problems with your credit, even though you might be the victim in this situation.
A consistent awareness of your financial standing will help you guard your credit. What are some of the positive steps you can take to maintain your credit base?
Step One: Know Your Loans
When you take out a new line of credit, you might see a temporary drop in your credit score. Usually, it will rebound in just a few months. However, you don’t want to open lines of credit habitually. If you take out new credit frequently, this might begin to give lenders the impressions that you are desperate for money. In other words, they might begin to think you don’t have money to keep yourself secure.
Step Two: Pay Bills On Time
If you have high credit card or loan balances, you might begin to see decreases in your credit score. Not being able to pay essential bills might show creditors and others that you are in a potentially unstable financial situation.
Still, as long as you make a concerted effort to pay down your debts, you can continue to maintain your credit score. Budget essential bills — such as your car loan, auto insurance premiums and electricity payments— so that you can pay them in full every month. Failing to pay your insurance premium might result in a rate increase or a cancelled policy. Keep in mind, any missed bills might cause late fees and potential credit deductions.
Theoretically, it is okay to have a small amount of certain debt. However, any debt is still debt. Therefore, strive to keep your debt balances as low as possible. Generally, it is a good idea to pay your balances in full every month.
Step Three: Keep An Eye On Your Privacy
Identity theft, credit theft and fraud happen all the time. You don’t want it to happen to you because you could face major blows to your privacy, personal autonomy and your credit ratings. Still, There are multiple ways to keep an eye on your credit and security:
- Watch your statements for unknown charges. If you have a smartphone, set a notification to receive an alert every time someone uses your credit card. You can also get alerts to notify you when companies receive payments.
- Never share your credit information, social security number or bank information with anyone you cannot verify. If any of these numbers get stolen, immediately contact your lender. They can help you lock down your accounts.
- Request a comprehensive credit review. Major credit companies, like FICO or Experian, will provide reviews for a nominal fee, or even free. They’ll often be able to provide you with a full review of existing lines of credit.
- Update your income information with credit providers. This will help them gain a better view of your financial trustworthiness.
If you have concerns about how credit will impact your insurance rates, just speak to your All About Insurance agent. We are more than happy to help you figure out exactly how to optimize your premiums despite any dings to your credit score.
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